This section will include two sub-sections: one with technical documents and another one with dissemination materials.
Technical documents
Handbook for facilitating the Circular Economy Transition in the EU furniture industry
This handbook is a guide for helping companies and stakeholders in the implementation of companies' circular transition and thus enhancing their competitiveness and jobs attractiveness.
D5.1 Blueprint proposal for take-back scheme
The report contains the Green KSCs needs and recommendations for CE deployment.
D2.2 Report on questionnaire evidences
The report contains the main highlights about Circular Transition maturity of the Furniture industry at EU level, gathered by the answers to the massive questionnaire by a total of 109 companies.
Dissemination materials
Newsletter 2 - March 2025
Newsletter 2 contains the latest news from the FurnCircle project.
Pannello Ecomondo Albero
FLA participates to the next edition of Ecomondo (the most relevant EU fair about sustainability) with a corporate booth and a press release campaign. One of the key contents will be the results of the Furncircle survey. We have prepared an infographic that summarizes the main evidence (in Italian) that will be printed on the main wall of the booth. The press release will include a short comment of the results.
Newsletter 1 - October 2024
Newsletter 1 contains the latest news from the FurnCircle project.
Project Poster
The Project Poster contains a short presentation of FurnCIRCLE aims and outcomes.
The leaflet contains a short presentation of FurnCIRCLE aims and outcomes.